We are proud to present you the first Cherish Dex in the world. It includes exclusively Pokémon distributed inside Cherish Balls, during limited-time events, from 2007 until today. And all their evolutions. If a Pokémon was distributed in more than one event, we chose the one that was most significant for us, giving priority to American events. This is to avoid providing you with a Cherish Dex with dozens and dozens of duplicates, which would have ended up needlessly clogging up your Pokémon Home. Pokémon like Pikachu, Charizard and Mewtwo have in fact been the protagonists of dozens and dozens of events over the last 15 years. As written in the images above, the Pokémon included in this collection have the original statistics of the event, as well as the moves and the date on which they were distributed. At present there is no similar package in any other store. We are the only ones in the world to sell it. All the Pokémon included can be used online, and transferred to all compatible games for Nintendo Switch. Even those that will be released in the future. If a Pokémon was distributed in a Cherish Ball in both a Shiny and Non-Shiny version, you will get both. At the end of this description you will find a detailed list with all the events we have included.
You must have a Pokémon Home Premium 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝. After purchasing, you will receive instructions with the data needed for the transfer. Your personal data will not be stored, and you will never be asked to deactivate two-factor verification (like other sellers do). This way you will always remain in full control of your 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝. Do not purchase this pack if, despite my 100% positive feedback, you do not intend to share your data. For further information, you can contact us at your convenience.
Bulbasaur WORLDS16 Pokémon World Championships Distribution
Venusaur Pokémon Scrap 2016 Campaign Pスクラップ
Charmander WORLDS16 Pokémon World Championships Distribution
Charizard XY Official Facebook Promotion 2014
Charizard Shiny SPRING 2015 GAME UK Distribution
Squirtle WORLDS16 Pokémon World Championships Distribution
Blastoise Pokémon Scrap 2016 Campaign Pスクラップ
Pidgeot Pokémon Game Show - Blue's Pidgeot
Pikachu World Championship TCGWC 08107 2007
Pikachu Shiny Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo Opening Distribution
Sandshrew Toonverse & Pokémon Sun & Moon Collab 2ALOLAFORM7
Nidoqueen Pokémon Center Boss Pokémon Distribution Giovanni's
Nidoking Pokémon Center Boss Pokémon Distribution Giovanni's
Clefairy Pokémon Singapore Championships Livestream Distribution
Vulpix Alolan Pokémon Center Sapporo 2016 Opening Distribution
Ninetales Kanto Tag Battle Strongest Pokémon PC 7 May 2012
Diglett Alolan Toonverse & Pokémon Sun & Moon NOTHAIR
Meowth Team Rockets Pokemon Day 2013 in Italy MIRABILANDIA
Psyduck Pokémon Center Masuda's Psyduck 02276 マスダ
Golduck Pokémon Japan Championships 2018 Ryota Otsubo's
Arcanine Pokémon North American International NA Champs 17
Arcanine Shiny Paul North America International 230630
Machoke Trade for Evolution! Level 30 Japan 2010
Machamp Pokémon Expo Gym Event Dr.シャイ 11195
Machamp Pokémon National Championships ScreenPeekaz
Ponyta Galar Pokémon Sword & Shield May 2020 Classic Ribbon
Slowpoke Trade for Evolution! Level 30 Japan 2010
Slowbro Pokémon Center - Mega Event Distribution 2016
Grimer Alolan Toonverse & Pokémon Sun & Moon RAIN8BOW8
Haunter Trade for Evolution! Level 30 Japan 2010
Gengar Pokémon Center Mega Evolution Distribution 2014
Gengar Shiny Pokémon Jarvis's Gardevoir Distribution Spot 2016
Krabby Pokémon Sword & Shield Secret Member Club Gift
Exeggutor Pokémon World Championships 2017 Distribution
Chansey Pokémon Mister Donut 50th Anniversary ミスド 201204
Kangaskhan Nintendo Taiwan/Hong Kong Facebook 2015 Spring
Mr. Mime Galar Pokémon Sword & Shield May 2020 Classic Ribbon
Scyther Trade for Evolution! Level 30 Japan 2010
Electabuzz EB Games, JB Hifi & Target Distribution Event 2014
Magmar EB Games, JB Hifi & Target Distribution Event 2014
Pinsir Pokémon Mega Stone Event 2014
Magikarp Pokémon Center Hiroshima Distribution
Magikarp Shiny Serial Code In-Store in Taiwan Lunar 170128
Gyarados Pokémon Center Mega Evolution Distribution 2014
Gyarados Shiny Pokémon Center Hiroshima PCひろしま 06265
Ditto 2017 Pikachu Outbreakchu Distribution カーニバル 170814
Eevee Pokémon Center Birthday Event ポケセン♪ 10123
Eevee Shiny Video Game Championships VGC10 05080
Omanite Pokémon Adventure Camp 2012 キャンプ
Kabuto Pokémon Adventure Camp 2012 キャンプ
Aerodactyl Pokémon 2019 World Championships Washington D.C.
Snorlax Pokémon Center Tokyo DX Opening Gift Tokyo DX Only
Articuno Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter 2016 Aldora 05026
Articuno Galar Shiny International Challenge Crown 220218
Zapdos Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter 2016 Aldora 05026
Zapdos Galar Shiny International Challenge Wild 220311
Moltres Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter 2016 Aldora 05026
Moltres Galar Shiny International Challenge Armor 220415
Dragonite Toys 'R' Us 2008 TRU 11088
Mewtwo Black & White 1st Anniversary FEB2012
Mewtwo Shiny Play! Pokémon Participation Gift 2016
Mew FAL2010 10160 Wi-Fi Gift Lv. 5
Chikorita Pokémon Lab Event 2015 Special Distribution
Cyndaquil Pokémon Lab Event 2015 Special Distribution
Totodile Pokémon Lab Event 2015 Special Distribution
Crobat World's Championship WORLD10 08150
Pichu Shiny 2010 SPR2010 Wi-Fi USA Colored
Politoed Pokémon Smash Yamamoto's Pokémon Center Giveaway
Wobbuffet Pokémon Day Italy 2014 Jessie 06214
Scizor WalMart Pokémon Y WINTER2013 11153
Heracross Pokémon Mega Stone Event SUM2014 08134
Corsola Galar Pokémon Sword Shield Gift June 2020
Octillery Pokémon Ranch - Daisuki Club Diamond 2008 05138
Delibird Pokémon ORAS Festive Feud Entry Distribution Gift
Houndoom Pokémon World Championship Qualifier Gift WCSK14
Kingdra Pokémon Smash Yamamoto's Pokémon Center Giveaway
Porygon2 Players Cup Gift PKMNPLAYERSCUP VGC20 200822
Smeargle Pokémon VGC 2013 Finals - Ultimate Smeargle
Miltank Pokémon Johto Classic Entry Distribution Gift Whitney 05276
Raikou Pokémon Legendary Celebration Target 2018 Legends 042218
Raikou Shiny Gamestop Giveaway GAMESTP 01031
Entei Pokémon Legendary Celebration Target 2018 Legends 042218
Entei Shiny Gamestop Giveaway GAMESTP 01171
Suicune Shiny Gamestop Giveaway GAMESTP 01311 2011
Larvitar Shiny Video Game Championships VGC12 03032
Tyranitar Pokémon World Championship Qualifier Gift WCSK14
Tyranitar Shiny Pokémon Center Event Kotone Yasue's 03866
Lugia Pokémon Legendary Celebration Distribution 2018 Legends
Ho-Oh Pokémon Legendary Celebration Distribution 2018 Legends
Ho-Oh Shiny Pokémon Center Kyoto Opening PCキョウト 03166
Celebi Pokémon Gold & Silver Special Purchase Gift 040601 Ilex
Celebi Shiny Pokémon the Movie Secrets of the Jungle 211006
Sceptile Kyushu Trains Event 03172
Torchic Mega Blaziken Event XY 10123
Swampert Kyushu Trains Event 03172
Mightyena Pokémon Center/Store Archie's Distribution 180120
Linoone Pokémon Jump Festa 2015 Distribution Pジャンフェス
Ludicolo Kyushu Trains Event 03172
Gardevoir Pokémon XY&Z Distribution. NEWEPISODE 09206
Gardevoir Shiny Pokémon Kimia's Distribution キミア 06176
Slaking Pokémon Ranch Daisuki Club あきやま 01069
Sableye Morimoto's Sableye Gamescom Shigeshige 08055
Mawile XY&Z Pokémon Center 2016
Aggron Pokémon World Championship Qualifier Gift WCSK14
Manectric Pokémon World Championship Qualifier Gift WCSK14
Sharpedo Pokémon World Championships 2015 WORLD15 08215
Camerupt Pokémon Center Boss Pokémon Distribution Maxie's
Torkoal Japan Championships 2021 Gift PJCS2020CHAMP
Flygon Pokémon Ranch - Daisuki Club ばば 07018
Altaria Pokémon Center - Mega Event Distribution ポケセン
Lunatone Pokémon Daisuki Club - Mystery File サクジ 170726
Solrock Pokémon Daisuki Club - Mystery File サクジ 170726
Whiscash Pokémon Sunday やまもと 03217
Lileep Pokémon Adventure Camp キャンプ 07192
Anorith Pokémon Adventure Camp キャンプ 07192
Feebas Shinsegae department store in Seoul 2009
Milotic Kyushu Trains Event Japanese 03172
Milotic Shiny Video Game Championships VGC09 05099
Tropius Pokémon Sunday しょこたん 02027 2007
Walrein Kyushu Trains Event 03172
Salamance Strongest Pokémon - 5th さいきょう 02158
Beldum Shiny Pokémon ORAS - Early Purchaser Distribution Steven
Metagross Pokémon Ranch - Daisuki Club 02109 レッド
Latias Pokémon Legendary Celebration Best Buy 2018 Legends
Latios Pokémon Legendary Celebration Best Buy 2018 Legends
Kyogre Pokémon Legendary Celebration Gamestop 2018 Legends
Kyogre Shiny 180113 ウルトラ Japan
Groudon Pokémon Legendary Celebration Gamestop 2018 Legends
Groudon Shiny 180113 ウルトラ Japan
Rayquaza Korea 05318 한국닌텐도 Sindorim TechnoMart Seoul
Rayquaza Shiny Ancient Origins Galileo Distribution 08055
Jirachi Gamestop GAMESTP 02270 2010
Jirachi Shiny Mikki Mall Event & Nintendo HK Hong Kong 12015
Deoxys Gamestp Gamestop 06218 June 2008
Torterra Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary - Yokohama PCY 06053
Chimchar Pokémon Center Birthday ナゴヤ 09129
Infernape Jade Nintendo Hong Kong Distribution Year of the Monkey
Piplup BW Searcher 2012 サーチャー 04282
Empoleon Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary Sapporo 05153 PCS
Cranidos Pokémon Adventure Camp キャンプ 07192
Shieldon Pokémon Adventure Camp キャンプ 07192
Pachisiu Pokémon National Championships - Sejun Park's 05165
Gastrodon W Pokémon International Championships Paul 062219
Gastrodon E Pokémon North America International Eric 220624
Honchkrow Pokémon Center/Store Cyrus' 2018 Distribution
Bronzong Pokémon Japan Championships 22SEN10RCHAMP
Happiny Pokémon Center - Birthday Distribution November 2021
Spiritomb Pokémon Game Show Cynthia's 09286 シロナ
Garchomp CoroCoro December Gift XY 01244
Munchlax Pokémon Sun & Moon - Early Adopter Gift 2016
Lucario World's Championships WORLD08 08178
Lucario Shiny Indigo Disk Distribution Code SH1NYBUDDY
Weavile WORLD09 World's Championships 08159 2009
Tangrowth 피카츄카페 South Korea Event 2008 Pikachu Café
Electivire Strongest Pokémon - 1st さいきょう 11157 2007
Magmortar Strongest Pokémon - 2nd さいきょう 12017
Leafeon Pokémon Center Birthday Event ポケセン♪ 10123
Glaceon Pokémon Center Birthday Event ポケセン♪ 10123
Porygon-Z Gift Jeong Sang-yoon's STPTCCHAMP 정상윤 210807
Rotom Pokémon Center Best Wishes Tie-in Oak's 08103 オーキド
Dialga Pokémon Legendary Celebration Gamestop 2018 Legends
Dialga Shiny Game Distribution SUM2013 08303
Palkia Pokémon Legendary Celebration Gamestop 2018 Legends
Palkia Shiny Gamestop Distribution SUM2013 09093
Heatran Pokémon Legendary Celebration Trainer Club Newsletter
Regigigas Toys 'R' Us TRU 03089
Giratina Pokémon Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Prebooking
Giratina Shiny SUM2013 09273 GAME Distribution
Phione Pokémon Ranch Hayley 01000
Manaphy Toys 'R' Us TRU 09297
Darkrai Toys R Us & Nintendo World ALAMOS 05318
Shaymin Toys 'R' Us TRU 02089 2009
Arceus Toys 'R' Us TRU 11079
Arceus Shiny Pokémon Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Prebooking
Vicini Pokémon The Movie - Black & White Movie14 12031
Snivy Pokémon Center Touhoku Opening トウホク 12041
Serperior Pokémon Distribution Code POKEMON497 Present 01225
Emboar Pokémon - Emboar Distribution Present 01295
Samurott Pokémon - Samurott Distribution Present 02105
Pansage Pokémon Center Best Wishes Tie-in Cilan's 08103 デント
Simisear Pokémon Election Lowest Voted Gift そうせんきょ 00720
Audino Pokémon Center - Mega Event Distribution 01306
Whimsicott Tag Battle Strongest Pokémon PC 06012
Krookodile International Championships Distribution 070618 ルイ
Darmanitan N 00002 Pokémon ORAS Unova Classic Entry Gift
Scraggy サトシ 01281 Ash's Scraggy Event
Scrafty Worlds Championship 2011 Gift WORLD11 08141
Cofagrigus Pokémon Center/Store Ghetsis Distribution ゲーチス
Tirtouga Pokémon Adventure Camp キャンプ 07192
Archen Pokémon Adventure Camp キャンプ 07192
Zoroark Month Toys 'R' Us EVENT11 09161
Karrablast SMR2011 06011 Pokémon Day
Amoonguss Championships Baik Jongyoon's 백종윤 200809
Chandelure Tag Battle Strongest Pokémon 05072 PC
Axew Pokémon Center - Best Wishes Tie-in - Iris' 08103 アイリス
Haxorus Pokémon Game Show - Iris' Haxorus アイリス 06232
Cubchoo Wifi Event Black 2010 ポケスマ 10220
Shelmet SMR2011 Pokémon Day SMR2011
Mienshao Pokémon Center/Store Lysandre's フラダリ 180120
Golurk Pokémon Movie 2011 - Janta's Golurk
Bouffalant Morimoto's Milan Games Week Shigeshige 08055
Hydreigon Pokémon Center Boss Pokémon Ghetsis' ゲーチス 06232
Hydreigon Pokémon Movie 2011 - Carlita's カリータ 06171
Volcarona Pokémon Game Show - Alder's 09180 アデク
Volcarona Shiny 선발전12 06092 Korean Nationals 2012 aT Center
Tornadus 2018 Legends 070618 Legendary Celebration Target
Thundurus 2018 Legends 070618 Legendary Celebration Target
Reshiram SPR2012 1st Anniversary 10 March 2012 03102
Zekrom SPR2012 1st Anniversary 10 March 2012 03102
Landorus ヒャダイン 14818 Japan Championships 2016 Qualifiers
Kyurem Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Prebooking デセルシティ 06205
Keldeo Second Chance Event WIN2013 01163 25 January 2013
Meloetta Gamestop (US) & EB Games (CA) SPR2013 03013
Genesect Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Launch Plasma 10072
Genesect Shiny Extremespeed Mewtwo Awakens Event えいがかん
Fennekin Pokémon XY Anime Serena's Code SERENA01 02265 セレナ
Froakie Pokémon Center Tokyo Closing 12074 はままつちょ
Greninja Pokémon Volcanion Theater Gift そうせんきょ 00720
Talonflame ナーク Pokémon Japan Championships
Vivillon Pokémon GTS - 100 million milestone distribution 00108
Vivillon Pokémon Center Paris - Special Distribution 06014
Pyroar Pokémon Center Boss Pokémon Distribution Lysandre's 10123
Flabébé (F) Pokémon Japan Center Birthday Distribution
Pancham 7-11 Seven Spot Movie Tie-in: Serena's Pancham 00711
Aegislash World 2014 Washington D.C. WORLD14 08164
Aromatisse Morimoto's Milan Games Week Shigeshige 08055
Inkay Pokémon Center Tokyo Bay Opening PCTB 11223
Tyrunt Pokémon Battle of Hoenn Entry Distribution Gift 01235 PGL
Amaura Pokémon ORAS Enter The Dragon Type Gift 03205 PGL
Sylveon XY 01044 HKTW Movie Sylveon
Goomy Pokémon Center Japan 2017 Easter Egg Distribution
Pumpkaboo Pokémon Halloween Celebration Spooky2014 10014
Xerneas Pokémon Legendary Celebration 050418 2018 Legends
Xerneas Shiny Descartes Cartesio 2016 05026
Yveltal Pokémon Legendary Celebration 050418 2018 Legends
Yveltal Shiny Descartes Cartesio 2016 05026
Zygarde Descartes Cartesio 05026 Pokémon Distribution
Zygarde Shiny Pokémon Legendary Distribution 060218
Diancie NOV2014 11064 Diancie Event - GAME
Diancie Shiny Pokémon All-Stars Battle Gift 올스타 08136
Hoopa Pokémon Second Chance Event Code: HOOPA2016 Harry
Volcanion Pokémon Movie Marvel Tie-In Gamestop 10016 Helen
Rockruff Own Tempo Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Dusk Form Lycanroc
Lycanroc Gamestop Guardians Rising Tie In Event 051517 Rocky
Mareanie Pokémon Center - Easter Egg Distribution
Salazzle Pokémon Gamestop Burning Shadows TCG Clovis 080817
Bewear Pokémon Center Sparkling Spring Festival ポケセン 170415
Steenee Pokémon Festival 2017 - Mallow's Steenee 170617 マオ
Comfey Pokémon Center Birthday Gift ポケセン♪ 161118
Oranguru Pokémon Center - Easter Egg Distribution
Passimian Pokémon Center - Easter Egg Distribution
Silvally Shiny GX Tie-In - Gamestop Aether 102317
Turtonator Pokémon Festival 2017 - Kiawe's 170626 カキ
Mimikyu Pikachu Outbreakchu Distribution 170814 カーニバル
Mimikyu Shiny Ultra Spooky Cup - Entry Gift 102618 PGL
Drampa Pokémon Center - Easter Egg Distribution 2017
Tapu Koko Shiny Pokémon TCG Melemele 170714
Tapu Lele Shiny 2018 International Challenge 181130 Akala
Tapu Bulu Shiny 2019 International Challenge 190222 Ula-ula
Tapu Fini Shiny 2019 International Challenge 190524 Poni
Solgaleo Shiny Gamestop - Cosmic Eclipse Tie In 100419
Lunala Shiny Gamestop - Cosmic Eclipse Tie In 100419
Necrozma Shiny Sword & Shield Member Club Gift 000132 ひみつ
Magearna Pokémon Official Site Code Distribution
Magearna Original Pokémon HOME National Pokédex Completion Gift
Marshadow Distribution Gamestop MT. Tensei 100917
Poipole Shiny Pokémon Dragon Majesty Gamestop Ultra 091718
Zeraora Fula City EB Games Distribution 100118
Zeraora Shiny HOME 200630 Pokémon HOME Max Raid Battle Gift
Melmetal Gigamax HOME 808809 Pokémon GO Transfer
Coalossal Players Cup Invitation V1CT0RYENG1NE 25210813 Wolfe
Toxtricity Rock Star 210219 Gamestop (US) North America
Sinistra Pokémon World Championships Distribution WCS22 220818
Grimmsnarl 정원석 220611 Trainers Cup 2022 K0REACHAMP10N21
Grimmsnarl Shiny Nontaro World Championships THA12022CHAMP
Milcery Pokémon Center Birthday Distribution ポケセン 201101
Dracovish European International Championships 220422 Marco
Zacian Shiny Lancer 211022 Pokémon Gamestop Distribution
Zamazenta Shiny Arthur 211022 Pokémon Gamestop Distribution
Eternatus Shiny Galar 221118 US/CA Gamestop (18/09 - 01/10)
Zarude Pokémon the Movie Coco Prebooking 200807 Jungle
Zarude Dada Pokémon the Movie Coco Theatre 201225 Jungle
Lechonk Pokémon TCG Scarlet & Violet Launch Gamestop (US)
Pawmi Pokémon Center Birthday Distribution PokéCenter 231101
Pawmot YOASOBI 231118 Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 CD release Biri-Biri
Fidough 포켓몬스토어 Pop-Up Store Distributions 231103
Garganacl Jiseok 230217 1STCHAMPSV Oceania International
Charcadet Pokémon Center Birthday Distribution 231101 ポケセン
Palafin Pokémon Europe International Gavin 0C1CV1CT0RGAV1N
Tatsugiri Pokémon World Championships Worlds23 230811
Flutter Mane 신여명 Trainers Cup 2024 987W1THSPECS 240505
Iron Hands Europe International Championships 240405 Marco
Baxcalibur Winter Festa 2023 Distributions 윈터페스타 240101
Gimmighoul Pokémon Paldean Winds SEEY0U1NPALDEA 231213
Meloetta shiny HOME 241016 Event October 2024
Meltan Let’ GO China Event 20UBA1ME1LUTAN October 2024
Tandemaus PokéCenter 241101 ポケセン Center Birthday
Mareep 완전전국도감 06055 Korean Event
Dragapult Alex 231117 Latin International LA1CPHANT0M4CE
Zoroark Hisui Pokémon Day Distribution 2023
Pelipper shiny Patrick 241115 Latin America International
Manaphy Shiny HOME Event January 2025 250128
Enamorus Incarnate HOME Event January 2025 250128
Enamorus Therian HOME Event January 2025 250128
Arbok Shiny Let’s GO China Distribution February 2025