Most complete Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl collection available on the web. Available all shiny, all non shiny, or even both! Includes all the Pokèmon catchable on these games + the event one Shaymin, Arceus, Darkrai, Celebi & Deoxys.
⚠️ A Pokèmon Home Premium account required for the transfer.
⭑ All the Pokémon have legal stats and moves, they all can be used safely online.
⭑ All Pokemon are 6 IV. Base form are level 1, middle form are level 50 and last form are level 100 (Example: Bulbasaur Lev 1, Ivysaur Lev.50, Venusaur Lev 100) . The third evolutions and the competitive Pokémon have got also 2 EV hyper trained, and competitive moveset.
⭑ All the Pokémon have maximum beauty contest stats. All the Pokémon are male, and in regular Pokeball.
⭑ Default trainer name is “Ash”, but you can choose yours if you buy the Custom OT version.
⭑ More info on discord cerquami#2466 or Telegram: @cerquami
Just send me your username and password of your Nintendo account with Home Premium installed and I’ll transfer the entire Livin Dex into your Home. I won't ask you to turn the 2steps verification off, as other sellers do. You can change your password after the transfer is complete, if you prefer, or set a temporary password before the transfer. Anyway, I won’t keep your personal data. You can trust me. 100% POSITIVE Feedback.